Saturday, October 31, 2009

improving teaching n learning in schools

1. Equips learners for
life in its broadest sense
Learning should aim to help individuals and
groups to develop the intellectual, personal and
social resources that will enable them to
participate as active citizens, contribute to
economic development and flourish as
individuals in a diverse and changing
society. This may mean expanding
conceptions of worth while
learning outcomes and taking
seriously issues of equity
and social justice
for all

2. Engages with valued
forms of knowledge
Teaching and learning should engage earners
with the big ideas, key processes, modes
of discourse and narratives of subjects so
that they understand what constitutes
quality and standards in particular

3. Recognises the importance
of prior experience and learning
Teaching and learning should take account of what the
learner knows already in order to plan their next steps. This
includes building on prior learning but also taking account
of the personal and cultural experiences
of different groups of learners.

4. Requires the teacher to scaffold learning
Teachers should provide activities and structures of intellectual,
social and emotional support to help learners to move forward
in their learning so that when these
supports are removed the
learning is secure.

5. Needs assessment to be
congruent with learning
Assessment should be designed and implemented
with the goal of achieving maximum validity both
in terms of learning outcomes and learning
processes. It should help to advance
learning as well as determine

6. Promotes the active
engagement of the learner
A chief goal of teaching and learning
should be the promotion of learners
independence and autonomy. This involves
acquiring a repertoire of learning strategies
and practices, developing positive learning
dispositions, and having the will and
confidence to become agents in
their own learning.

7. Fosters both
individual and
social processes
and outcomes
Learners should be encouraged and
helped to build relationships and
communication with others for learning
purposes, to assist the mutual construction of
knowledge and enhance the achievements of
individuals and groups. Consulting learners about
their learning and giving them a voice is both an
expectation and a right.

8. Recognises the
significance of informal learning
Informal learning, such as learning out of school,
should be recognised as being at least as
significant as formal learning and should
be valued and used in formal

9. Depends on teacher learning
The need for teachers to learn continuously in order to
develop their knowledge and skill, and adapt and develop their
roles, especially through classroom inquiry, should
be recognised and supported.

10. Demands
consistent policy
frameworks with support
for teaching and learning
as their primary focus
Institutional and system-level policies need to recognise
the fundamental importance of teaching and learning and
be designed to create effective learning
environments for all learners.
whether learning has